AIU Voices
Fall 2024 Study Abroad Events Held at AIU
One of Akita International University’s distinct characteristics is that students are required to study abroad for 1 year in order to graduate. From Monday, November 20-Thursday, December 5, AIU held two study abroad events to encourage students to start thinking about their study abroad, and help students who will apply soon for study abroad to make more concrete plans.

Study Abroad Fair
Exchange students and AIU students who have completed study abroad interacted with students preparing for their study abroad and study abroad applications. In total, 37 students representing partner universities in 20 countries answered questions and provided advice to around 70 participants and shared their experiences from before, during, and after their study abroad.
Speaking with students who have completed study abroad provided a valuable opportunity to hear stories of difficulties in preparing for study abroad, tips for dealing with culture shock, and discuss specific concerns such as money management during studying abroad. In addition, international exchange students shared important information only a local would know such as the charms of their home universities and how to navigate daily life in their home countries, allowing participants to gather information about studying abroad from various perspectives.
Study Abroad Consultation
The Center for International Affairs (CIA) set up a special counter in Student Hall to provide students with an opportunity to consult with staff in a casual setting.
Students had a chance to ask a variety of questions, such as What is the validity period for an English Proficiency Score when applying for study abroad? How did my senpai choose their study abroad destinations? How many preferred universities can we write in the internal application? How much does it cost to study abroad? How do I write my Statement of Purpose?
Aside from the times above, the CIA is also available for consultation as necessary during normal office hours.

These study abroad events not only provided an occasion for students preparing to study abroad to gather valuable information, but also an excellent opportunity for international exchange students to teach AIU students more about their home universities and home countries. (Event held by the Center for International Affairs)
Based on the information obtained from these events and advice from faculty members, we hope that our students will make a well-informed decision on where they wish to study and subsequently prepare for their one-year study abroad experience.
Please see here for more information on AIU’s Study Abroad Program.