AIU Voices
First Impressions and Musical Chairs: Zulaykho Kodirova, University of Turin, Italy

Zuli (left) with friends on a trip to Oga Peninsula
My name is Zulaykho KODIROVA, however my friends call me Zuli. I come from Uzbekistan, a central Asian country with Russian and Islam influence. However, I live and study in Italy.
Initial Impressions of Japan and Akita
I am a crazy traveler that lived in at least 6 other countries besides Japan. Before even arriving in Japan I felt Japanese culture already when boarding my plane at the airport: How quiet they are, the way they stand in line, how polite and compliant Japanese people are shocked me already before landing in Japan.
Akita Arrival Shock
In my first day at AIU the weather was not so good, it was cold and cloudy. In addition to this, I had seen that we were really far away from the city, and that we were close to the airport. My first impression about AIU was not so great; I felt an absolute desperate loneliness. Bad start, huh?
Before coming to Japan, I told myself that I would not look up for AIU and Akita in order to discover everything here after my arrival, therefore arriving here shocked me.
A Quick Reversal
Nevertheless, I met absolutely enthusiastic people, those who were and still are happy to be here, brave enough to travel so far, mostly from other continents, with different backgrounds and stories and they made me feel better. My mood was actually changing already the second day at AIU. My first friends here – Caroline, Thomas, Ian, Yulu, Minhee and Coonie – are the best people I could ever meet.
Musical Chairs
One of the days in orientation week we went to a musical chairs event. Some of my friends participated, and they made me participate too. I was amazed by how loud and crazy Japanese young people could be, because my first impression was totally opposite from what I saw at parties at AIU. During musical chairs, I was absolutely frightened by their loud and aggressive behavior. Their will to win was all around the air, and I was scared.
However, I made it to the final round – a single chair – with a Japanese guy. When the music stopped I sat on the chair, but I was about to be kicked off the chair aggressively and cruelly by a Japanese freshman student. But in a blink of an eye, he stood up and gave me the first place. (Later my friends explained that he did that because everybody was shouting out my name).
I won, and I was not expecting this kind of consequence, I did not hear anything, I was not able to listen to anybody, or even talk. I went on the stage, said something meaningless and went back to my friends. They were happy. I was extremely emotional.
I was told that when I arrived to finals of musical chair, everybody was shouting my name. The way I felt might not be described by any words; therefore I think this was my most favorite memory about AIU.
I thank my friends at AIU, and glad that I met them.