New International Partnership with Leiden University (Leiden, the Netherland)
国際教養大学は、新たにLeiden University, Faculty of Humanities (ライデン, オランダ)と 学術交流提携を結びました。これをもちまして、本学の協定校数は 169大学46ヵ国? 地域となりました。
Leiden University, Faculty of Humanities (ライデン, オランダ)

Leiden University, Faculty of Humanities (ライデン, オランダ)
We are writing to inform you that Akita International University newly established a cooperation agreement with Leiden University, Faculty of Humanities (Leiden, the Netherlands). We now have 169 partner institutions in 46 countries and regions.
Leiden University, Faculty of Humanities (Leiden, the Netherlands)

Leiden University, Faculty of Humanities (Leiden, the Netherlands)