One of the distinct characteristics of Akita International University’s international exchange program is that degree-seeking students are required to study abroad for 1 year in order to graduate. From Monday, June 19 – Friday, July 14, AIU held a “AIU Study Abroad Info Hunt Month,” made up of three different events.These events provided students with an opportunity to start thinking about study abroad, as well as an initiative to push students who are planning on applying for study abroad soon to make more concrete plans for their study abroad.
★Study Abroad Class Visits★
Various classrooms
Monday, June 19 – Friday, June 30
International Exchange Students and AIU students returned from their study abroad visited various classes to give a 5-minute presentation at the beginning of class on their experiences at their home/host universities. In all, 15 volunteer students introduced their universities from their own unique perspectives. The presentations were then followed by lively Q&A sessions with AIU students.
The presentations provided a realistic picture of what each study abroad destination is like.
★Study Abroad Memorial Photo★
Where: On digital signage boards throughout campus When: Monday, July 3 – Friday, July 14
AIU students both currently abroad and who have already returned to AIU submitted photos that they took at their study abroad destination and these photos were displayed on digital signage boards throughout the campus. The photos included various snapshots of daily life and meals in each country and region, as well as scenes featuring the campuses and facilities of each affiliated university.
This lovely traditional clothing gives you a sense of authentic Czech culture!
The photos were displayed at several places on campus.
★Study Abroad Networking★
1st floor of Student Hall
Wednesday, July 5 & Friday, July 17
Exchange students and students returning from study abroad interacted with students preparing for and/or planning their study abroad; 11 students, including international students and AIU students returned from Study Abroad, coming from or who had studied at universities from 11 different countries answered questions and provided advice to participants. In particular, AIU students who had returned from study abroad shared their experiences from before, during, and after their study abroad. Additionally, dice with conversation topics written on them were provided so that the students could easily consult and talk with each other even if they were meeting for the first time, and were used as an ice breaker and a prompt for more specific consultations.
Participants were able to consult casually with experienced study abroad returnee studentsDon’t know what to talk about? Ask the dice!
These events held for “AIU Study Abroad Info Hunt Month” not only provided an occasion for students preparing for studying abroad to gather and obtain valuable information, but also an excellent opportunity for international exchange students to teach AIU students and faculty more about their home universities and home countries. (Event held by the AIU Center for International Affairs)
Based on the information obtained from these events and advice from faculty members, we hope that our students will be able to make a well-informed decision on where they wish to study and subsequently prepare for their one-year study abroad experience.
Please see?here?for more information on AIU’s Study Abroad Program.