
How to Apply

Application Period

Please refer to the “Application Timeline” for the Nomination and Application Periods.

Step-by-Step Application Procedures

Students from Partner Institutions:

  • ?Partner Institution Staff:

Before selecting your students for nomination, please contact AIU at international+specialprograms@gl.aiu.ac.jp and check placement availability. After confirming the number of places, AIU will send the Online Application Portal account details (username/password) for each nominee student. Please distribute one account to each nominee.

Partner universities can nominate students as exchange students or fee-paying students (see the Financial Information page for fee information). Each student participating as an exchange student counts as 0.5 exchange semesters in the exchange balance, but any exchange students participating in the program shall be in addition to the number of exchange students that AIU has already agreed to accept for the spring and/or fall semesters. (There will be no reduction to the number of students you can send for the spring or fall semesters.)

Please note that exchange students who have never previously studied at AIU will be given first priority for admission due to the limited capacity of the program.

  • ?Students:

Applicants must first be nominated by their home institution before starting the application. After AIU receives students’ nominations from their home institutions, we will send their study abroad coordinators?a username and password to access the Online Application Portal. Nominee students need to start application procedures once they receive log-in information from their study abroad coordinator.

For All Other Students :

All students must be nominated by their home institutions. Students who wish to apply must have their study abroad coordinator fill out the Placement Request Form and submit it to international+specialprograms@gl.aiu.ac.jp. AIU will confirm placement availability and send the nomination procedures to the study abroad coordinator. Please understand that our partner institutions’ students have priority, and other applicants will be considered on a space-available basis.

Once nominated students receive their username and password, they must complete the Online Application Form in the Online Application Portal.
Personal information in their application form must match students’ passports exactly because it will be used for official documents such as student ID card and transcript.

After completing the online application, please scan all application documents and email them to international+specialprograms@gl.aiu.ac.jp by October 15.

Applications that arrive after the deadline may not be processed. All documents must be written in English unless otherwise stated below.

Please scan each application document as an individual pdf file, and attach them to your submission email. (Please do not combine multiple documents into a single file.)

(Submission file format)
1. Completed, signed Application Form (pdf)– After completing the online application, print the entire completed online application.  Applicants and their study abroad coordinator must complete, sign, and date the last page.  (Note: this page is not visible online, but is included in the print file) If there is no International Office at applicants’ home institutions, their academic advisors must complete the section on the last page.
– After both applicants and their study abroad coordinators have signed and dated the last page of the completed application, applicants must scan and submit ALL PAGES of the Application Form.
2. Official academic transcript in English (pdf)– Academic Transcript must show course titles, credits, and grades for each semester.
– Applicant Enrollment Status and GPA must meet the eligibility requirements.
3. Reference Form from an instructor at your university
(2 pages) (Please click to download)
– Students from Partner Institutions: Submit 1 Reference Form
– All Other Students: Submit 2 Reference Forms written by  different professors 

The Reference Form must be filled out by applicants’  academic advisors and/or the professor who best knows their academic abilities and Japanese language proficiency level at your institution. Both pages of the form must be completed and it must be either physically or digitally signed and dated by the Referee.
4. Confirmation Form from Home Institution (pdf)
(1 page) (Please click to download)
The Confirmation Form must be filled out by the home institution staff (e.g. Study Abroad Coordinator ) to confirm that the nominated students meet AIU’s eligibility requirements. It must be either physically or digitally signed and dated by the appropriate official.
5. Personal Statement of Purpose (pdf)Applicants must write in Japanese by themselves in their own style (800-1000 words). There is no specific format required.
6. Digital ID-style photo (jpg or png)– Taken within 3 months of submission
– At least 800 px x 600 px, jpg or png format
– Front-facing, showing from the shoulders up
– Clear, high resolution
– No hats
– Must be unedited photo with no image manipulation or processing
– Must not show a smile with visible teeth
– Plain white background
– Color or grayscale is acceptable
– No shadows
7. Photocopy of passport (pdf)– A valid passport that covers the entire duration of your study abroad program
– Page with your photograph and biographical details

Selection Process

Please note that nomination does not guarantee acceptance to the program. AIU will review students’ application documents and conduct an online interview as part of the screening process. All applicants will receive an email regarding the interview schedule after AIU completes the document review.

Successful applicants will receive an acceptance notification email by the middle of November.

Center for International Affairs
Akita International University
Yuwa, Akita-City 010-1292 Japan
Tel. +81-(0)18-886-5927, +81-(0)18-886-5937
Fax. +81-(0)18-886-5853
Email:[mail specialprograms]
Office Hours (Mon – Fri) 9:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00