BUILD Program
AIU’s BUILD (Building Information Literacy for a Digital Society) program is designed to increase students’ interest in mathematics, data science, and AI and develop their ability to understand and use these methods appropriately.

Background and Objectives
We live in an increasingly data-driven world; a world in which AI algorithms not only underlie many of our daily interactions but will also profoundly shape both our individual and collective futures.
Acquiring and integrating a broad knowledge of world cultures, human societies, and the natural world, as well as enhancing the ability to make independent, informed decisions are both part of the educational goals of AIU to realize its mission to prepare students to be leaders in a global society.
Given the rapid advances in technology and the changes it brings to our global society, AIU renewed its curriculum in 2021 to produce innovative leaders who will be capable of creating new values in a future society of increasing uncertainty. This involved enhancing educational content that focuses on the evolving relationship between technology and human society.
The BUILD program has been designed as part of this enhancement to help students explore and understand their place in this world of data and to develop a broad and fundamental view of how data and AI shape our society. Only by being aware of the pitfalls and unintended consequences of algorithmic approaches can we responsibly harness the power of data science and AI and build an ethical, sustainable, and human-centered future in which these tools enrich our lives and support a fair and equitable society.
Learning Outcomes
Throughout this program, students will gain the following basic skills:
- Build numerical literacy through the study of statistics
- Acquire data collection, analysis, and presentation skills
- Gain awareness of the data-driven nature of society
- Gain experience and aptitude in data-driven decision making
- Understand the societal impacts of AI and related technologies and associated ethical issues
Requirements of Completion
To complete the program, students must satisfy all of the following requirements:
- Earn credits in Statistics (MAT200; 3 credits)
- Earn credits in either Computer Literacy (CCS120; 3 credits) or Artificial Intelligence and Humanity (DGT330; 3 credits)
- Earn a total of 6 credits
Structure of the Program
The BUILD Program comprises three courses which are open to all undergraduate students. The credits earned in this program will be counted in the accumulated credits that are part of the graduation requirements.
- Statistics (MAT200)
- Computer Literacy (CCS120)
- Artificial Intelligence and Humanity (DGT330)
* The 6-character alphanumerics in parentheses are the course codes
As for all other content courses at AIU, the above three courses are delivered in English.
See the latest syllabus for details of the respective courses. Searching using the course codes is the easiest way to find the contents.
No additional applications are required to register or to be certified for the BUILD Program. Students who were enrolled on and after AY2021 and have satisfied the completion requirements will be automatically certified as having met the requirements of this program.
Other BUILD-related Courses at AIU
A wide variety of additional courses which cover topics ranging from big data and machine learning, through portfolio management, to empirical methods in sustainability science have been identified as connecting well to the intentions of BUILD program. Please see the list below for the titles and codes of these additional courses.
See the latest syllabus for details of the respective courses. Searching using the course codes is the easiest way to find the contents.
See the Curricular Flow page for details of AILA 1 to 4 in the table
Area | Introduction (AILA1 – 2) | Interdisciplinary Learning (AILA2 – 3) | Electives in Accordance with Study Theme (AILA3 – 4) |
Mathematics | Math for Liberal Arts (MAT100) College Algebra (MAT150) | Analysis of Economic Data (ECN220) Mathematical Methods for Economics (ECN205) Linear Algebra (MAT260) Calculus (MAT250) | AI, Games, and Mathematics: Igo Math (MAT230) Data Modeling (MAT300) Mathematics for the Digital World (MAT240) Finance Data Workshop (ECN339) Portfolio Management (ECN347) Quantitative Methods in Marketing (ECN316) Econometrics and Applications (ECN327) Time Series Econometrics (ECN338) |
Data Science and AI | Programming Principles (CCS125) | Critical Issues in the Digital Age (DGT150) Learning and Technology (DGT200) Information Science (INF260) | Cyberpsychology (PSY310) Remote Sensing Applications in Sustainability Science (SUS370) Empirical Concepts and Methods of Sustainability Science (SUS300) Learning and Design (DGT320) Machine Learning and Big Data (CCS320) Technology and Society (ECN337) Poetry of Programming (MAT340) |
List of courses as of April 2023
BUILD and MDASH Model Curriculum
The BUILD program is designed in line with the model curriculum presented by the Japan Inter-University Consortium for Mathematics, Data Science and AI Education.
Study Area 1 (Introduction)
Use of data and AI contributes deeply to the ongoing social changes (4th industrial revolution, Society 5.0, data-driven society, etc.) and is closely related to one’s own life.
Model Curriculum Corresponding Items | BUILD Courses |
Introduction 1-1: Changes Occurring in Society | Computer Literacy (CCS120) Artificial Intelligence and Humanity (DGT330) |
Introduction 1-6: Latest Trends in Data and AI Utilization | Computer Literacy (CCS120) Artificial Intelligence and Humanity (DGT330) |
Study Area 2 (Introduction)
“Data used in society” and “areas of data use” are wide-ranging and can be useful tools for solving problems in daily life and society.
Model Curriculum Corresponding Items | BUILD Courses |
Introduction 1-2: Data Used in Society | Computer Literacy (CCS120) Artificial Intelligence and Humanity (DGT330) |
Introduction 1-3: Areas of Data and AI Application | Computer Literacy (CCS120) Artificial Intelligence and Humanity (DGT330) |
Study Area 3 (Introduction)
Examples of data utilization in various data utilization fields are presented, and value is created by combining them with knowledge in various application fields (distribution, manufacturing, finance, services, infrastructure, public, healthcare, etc.).
Model Curriculum Corresponding Items | BUILD Courses |
Introduction 1-4: Technologies for Data and AI Utilization | Computer Literacy (CCS120) Artificial Intelligence and Humanity (DGT330) |
Introduction 1-5: Data and AI Utilization in the Field | Computer Literacy (CCS120) Artificial Intelligence and Humanity (DGT330) |
Study Area 4 (Attitude)
Understand the points to consider in protecting data, such as information security and information leakage, taking into account various considerations (ELSI, personal information, data ethics, AI social principles, etc.) when utilizing data.
Model Curriculum Corresponding Items | BUILD Courses |
Attitude 3-1: Considerations for Data and AI Utilization | Computer Literacy (CCS120) Artificial Intelligence and Humanity (DGT330) |
Attitude 3-2: Considerations in Protecting Data | Computer Literacy (CCS120) Artificial Intelligence and Humanity (DGT330) |
Study Area 5 (Foundation)
Exercises using real data, real problems (including academic data), and other examples in society as subjects, related to basic applications of mathematics, data science, and AI, such as “reading, explaining, and handling data.”
Model Curriculum Corresponding Items | BUILD Courses |
Foundation 2-1: Reading Data | Statistics (MAT200) |
Foundation 2-2: Explaining Data | Statistics (MAT200) |
Foundation 2-3: Working with Data | Statistics (MAT200) |